5E-FE Header

Here I will document the progress made on the 5E-FE header. Everything will be listed in reverse order so the newest news is always at the top.


     As normal visitors have known this project has been around for a while. It looked lonely without a link to its own page so I figured I could write something up.
     I started this project around the same time as I was working on the plans for the 3E-E header. I had bought a Pacesetter header for my Paseo. Ever since installing it I have been very displeased with it. Not only does it give next to no noticable power gain, but it is also loud and some what annoying to drive now. Thus, I decided to go ahead and design a header for the 5E-FE. I believe that this design will be superior to the current header I am using. So here it is, the preliminary design.